War of Intervention in Angola Vol. 5 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces
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Šifra oglasa: 11451827
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- Goriška, Nova Gorica, Solkan
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Tom Cooper, Adrien Fontanellaz, José Augusto Matos
War of Intervention in Angola Volume 5 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces, 1987-1992
84 strani, mehka vezava, 79 čb in 3 barvne fotografije, 18 barvnih profilov, 7 zemljevidov in 7 tabel.
Kratek opis v angleškem jeziku:
Through late 1987 and early 1988, the battlefields of southern Angola moved ever further away from the border with South West Africa/Namibia, until the showdown between the Soviet and Cuban-supported government in Luanda and South African-supported insurgency of UNITA culminated in the controversial and still much disputed Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
During this period, Angolan and Cuban airpower slowly grew to a point where it outmatched the SAAF, in turn limiting the freedom of movement of the SADF and UNITA ground forces, and reducing their operations to attritional battles, with little chance of achieving major victories on terms acceptable to the government in Pretoria.
As the changing political climate between East and West, and in Africa began to bring about and end to the South African intervention in Angola and the occupation of South West Africa/Namibia, the government of Angola was able to switch its attentions to dealing with UNITA.
Volume 5 of War of Intervention in Angola examines in detail this final period of Cuban involvement in the long and tragic civil war that ruined Angola between 1975 and 1992. While the emphasis is upon the operations of the Angolan and Cuban air forces, it also details how these impacted upon the ground operations of all parties. This volume is richly illustrated with original photographs of the forces involved, specially commissioned maps of the ground operations, and a range of full colour artworks.
Kliknite na "vsi oglasi tega prodajalca", na voljo preko 700 različnih knjig z vojaško, zgodovinsko in letalsko tematiko.
Poštnino plača kupec, osebni prevzem je možen v Solkanu, oziroma Novi Gorici in bližnji okolici.
War of Intervention in Angola Volume 5 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces, 1987-1992
84 strani, mehka vezava, 79 čb in 3 barvne fotografije, 18 barvnih profilov, 7 zemljevidov in 7 tabel.
Kratek opis v angleškem jeziku:
Through late 1987 and early 1988, the battlefields of southern Angola moved ever further away from the border with South West Africa/Namibia, until the showdown between the Soviet and Cuban-supported government in Luanda and South African-supported insurgency of UNITA culminated in the controversial and still much disputed Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
During this period, Angolan and Cuban airpower slowly grew to a point where it outmatched the SAAF, in turn limiting the freedom of movement of the SADF and UNITA ground forces, and reducing their operations to attritional battles, with little chance of achieving major victories on terms acceptable to the government in Pretoria.
As the changing political climate between East and West, and in Africa began to bring about and end to the South African intervention in Angola and the occupation of South West Africa/Namibia, the government of Angola was able to switch its attentions to dealing with UNITA.
Volume 5 of War of Intervention in Angola examines in detail this final period of Cuban involvement in the long and tragic civil war that ruined Angola between 1975 and 1992. While the emphasis is upon the operations of the Angolan and Cuban air forces, it also details how these impacted upon the ground operations of all parties. This volume is richly illustrated with original photographs of the forces involved, specially commissioned maps of the ground operations, and a range of full colour artworks.
Kliknite na "vsi oglasi tega prodajalca", na voljo preko 700 različnih knjig z vojaško, zgodovinsko in letalsko tematiko.
Poštnino plača kupec, osebni prevzem je možen v Solkanu, oziroma Novi Gorici in bližnji okolici.
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- Naslov: 5250 Solkan, Goriška, Slovenija
- Oglas je objavljen
- 24.02.2025. ob 08:56
- Do poteka še
- Št. dni: 10 in 18 h
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Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
- Naslov: 5250 Solkan, Goriška, Slovenija