• WOW FLUTTER METER naprava za kalibracijo magnetofonov, kasetofonov
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WOW FLUTTER METER naprava za kalibracijo magnetofonov, kasetofonov

130 €
Šifra oglasa: 13201878

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Posavska, Brežice, Brežice

Opis oglasa

Naprava za servisiranje audio snemalnikov - predvajalnikov na magnetni trak.
031 337 26**

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Iz Wikipedia .. :
Equipment performance

Professional tape machines[which?] can achieve a weighted flutter figure of around 0.02%, which is considered inaudible.[citation needed]
High end cassette decks[which?] struggle to manage around 0.08% weighted, which is still audible under some conditions.[weasel words]
Digital music players such as CD, DAT, or MP3 use electronic clocks to govern the speed of replay. The circuits used to control these frequencies do permit a very small amount of flutter (usually termed jitter), but the level is far below that which the human ear can discern.
The linear sound track on VCR video recorders has much higher wow and flutter than the VHS-HiFi high fidelity track which is contained within the video signal.[citation needed]

Measurement of wow and flutter is carried out on audio tape machines, cassette recorders and players, and other analog recording and reproduction devices with rotary components (e.g. movie projectors, turntables (vinyl recording), etc.) This measurement quantifies the amount of 'frequency wobble' (caused by speed fluctuations) present in subjectively valid terms. Turntables tend to suffer mainly slow wow. In digital systems, which are locked to crystal oscillators, variations in clock timing are referred to as wander or jitter, depending on speed.

While the terms wow and flutter used to be[when?] used separately (for wobbles at a rate below and above 4 Hz respectively), they tend to be combined now[when?] that universal standards exist for measurement which take both into account simultaneously. Listeners find flutter most objectionable when the actual frequency of wobble is 4 Hz, and less audible above and below this rate. This fact forms the basis for the weighting curve shown here. The weighting curve is misleading, inasmuch as it presumes inaudibility of flutters above 200 Hz, when actually faster flutters are quite damaging to the sound. A flutter of 200 Hz at a level of -50db will create 0.3% intermodulation distortion, which would be considered unacceptable in a preamp or amplifier.



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Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  8250 Brežice, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija