• Sons of Anarchy
  • Sons of Anarchy
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Sons of Anarchy

90 €
Šifra oglasa: 8790140

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Gorenjska, Kranj, Kranj

Opis oglasa

Družabna igra se prodaja iz lastne zbirke in je še povsem nova - v originalni embalaži.

Več informacij preko sporočil na bolhi ali pa: perunov.hram@gmail.com

V primeru osebnega prevzema so za ceno 90€ zajeti stroški dostave.

Prevzem možen v Kranju ali po dogovoru.

Based on the hit TV series, in Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem players take the role of rival gangs out to control territory, accumulate contraband and reap the monetary rewards of illegal enterprise.

With each turn gangs must attempt to control a range of sites by assigning gang members and resources to claiming, defending and fighting for money, contraband and guns. However, other players can challenge the right for territory, which will lead to conflict! Negotiate, threaten and ally with rival gangs when it serves your needs, but be wary of the inevitable knife in the back. This game is about making and breaking alliances, and only the gang with the most money at the end of six rounds wins.

Early copies of SoA: Men of Mayhem included a manual listing incorrect component counts. The corrected component counts are:

4 Clubhouse cards (1 per player)
4 Player blinds (1 per player)
4 Dice (1 per player)
20 Members (5 per player)
20 Prospects (5 per player)

24 Site Tiles
36 Anarchy Cards
4 Hardcore Anarchy Cards (identifiable by a red border)
136 Cash
34 Order tokens
16 Heat tokens
24 Contraband
24 Guns
1 Reaper Patch

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Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  Gorenjska, Slovenija
Oglas je objavljen
12.02.2025. ob 14:35
Do poteka še
Oglas je prikazan
698 -krat


Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  Gorenjska, Slovenija