Photographer's Survival Manual: A Legal Guide for Artists in the Di...
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Photographer's Survival Manual: A Legal Guide for Artists in the Digital Age
Prodam odlično knjigo "Photographer's Survival Manual: A Legal Guide for Artists in the Digital Age", avtorja: Edward C. Greenberg (odvetnik) in Jack Reznicki (fotograf).
Knjiga je popolnoma nova, naročena z - preden je prišla, mi jo je že prinesel Božiček :)
Iz opisa knjige: "Now more than ever, anyone who wants to make money with a digital camera needs this authoritative and approachable guide. Written by the president of the Professional Photographers of America, and a leading New York copyright attorney, it provides photographers and visual artists with the most authoritative legal advice available. Everything is covered, from contracts, subcontracts, releases, and permissions to the copyright laws and all the steps artists should take to register and protect their work. Find out how to use copyright to protect your work from infringement, insure you are properly paid for your work, and how to proceed if your rights are infringed upon."
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Prevzem možen v Mariboru, ali po pošti kamorkoli v Sloveniji z doplačilom za poštnino.
Prodam odlično knjigo "Photographer's Survival Manual: A Legal Guide for Artists in the Digital Age", avtorja: Edward C. Greenberg (odvetnik) in Jack Reznicki (fotograf).
Knjiga je popolnoma nova, naročena z - preden je prišla, mi jo je že prinesel Božiček :)
Iz opisa knjige: "Now more than ever, anyone who wants to make money with a digital camera needs this authoritative and approachable guide. Written by the president of the Professional Photographers of America, and a leading New York copyright attorney, it provides photographers and visual artists with the most authoritative legal advice available. Everything is covered, from contracts, subcontracts, releases, and permissions to the copyright laws and all the steps artists should take to register and protect their work. Find out how to use copyright to protect your work from infringement, insure you are properly paid for your work, and how to proceed if your rights are infringed upon."
Več na
Prevzem možen v Mariboru, ali po pošti kamorkoli v Sloveniji z doplačilom za poštnino.
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- Naslov: 2000 Maribor, Podravska, Slovenija
- Oglas je objavljen
- 23.03.2025. ob 21:17
- Do poteka še
- Št. dni: 26 in 4 h
- Oglas je prikazan
- 526 -krat
Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
- Naslov: 2000 Maribor, Podravska, Slovenija