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Podobni oglasi

Vsi oglasi
  • Yamaha MX61
  • Yamaha MX61
  • Yamaha MX61
  • Yamaha MX61

Yamaha MX61

320 €
Šifra oglasa: 11288019

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Osrednjeslovenska, Ljubljana Moste Polje, Nove Jarše

Opis oglasa

Kot nov, rabljen samo v domačem studiu, dodatni patchi/comboti na usb ključku. Po mojem najboljša price/performance klaviatura zadnje dekade.


The new MX series combines Motif XS sounds, USB Audio/MIDI connectivity and advanced DAW/VST controller features at a ground breaking level of affordability. - Over 1000 sounds from the MOTIF series - Equipped with VCM effects - Easy Split /Layer Performance Mode for Instant Inspiration - 16-Part Multi timbral and 128-note polyphony - Extensive Hands-On controls for VSTs and DAWs - Bi-directional USB Audio/MID interfacing - A complete suite of music production software included - A lightweight design with a quality Yamaha keyboard - Complete analog and digital connectivity


Oglas je objavljen
06.07.2023. ob 18:04
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