• Kitarski box 2 x 12 Amp Doctor, Blue in gold bulldog, Celestion alnico
  • Kitarski box 2 x 12 Amp Doctor, Blue in gold bulldog, Celestion alnico
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Kitarski box 2 x 12 Amp Doctor, Blue in gold bulldog, Celestion alnico

500 €
Šifra oglasa: 12353721

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Osrednjeslovenska, Ljubljana Bežigrad, Bežigrad

Opis oglasa

V Boxu se nahajata gold in blue celestion zvočnika, drugače Celestion alnico blue in gold, ki je drugače standard za Dr. Z in Divided by 13 ojačevalce, gre za vrhunske butične ojačevalce.
Box je naročen pri Tube Amp Doctor in je vrhunske izdelave. Cena za nove zvočnike, box in vgradjo je bila takrat 950e. Zvočniki so dobro uigrani, broken in. Prodajam samo zato, ker sem kupil glavo in matching box z enako konfiguracijo.

Možen ogled v Ljubljani.

Tel: 040500339

Link sound iz telefona:


Na YT linku pa je primer studijskega posnetka vse od clean funk kitare, do drive reef na sredini komada in solo clean na koncu bolj jazzy narave.

Zavoljo iskanja: Fender, Marshall, Dumble


It is a two channel Dumble style ampo clone of the famous Bluesmaster. The power section has a quad of Tunsol 6L6s. The clean channel sounds like a Fender with a lot of sparkle but is a little more flattering in the low mids. It can be thinned out by lowering the mid control. The O/D channel is squarely in the hot rodded Marshall camp. The amp has the internal tone stack for the O/D channel which makes dialing in your O/D tones a breeze. There is also an internal trimmer for PAB level, PAB brightness, Negative Feedback level and Phase Inverter balance. The O/D channel is the best drive channel of any amp I’ve ever owned. There is a master volume for both channels. Using your guitar’s volume control and how hard you pick, you could easily live in the O/D channel alone on a gig. The amp has the PAB, Mid Boost, O/D gain trimmer and channel selector switch on the back. The amp also has a very good spring reverb.



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  • Naslov:  Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija
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25.06.2024. ob 10:39
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Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija

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