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  • JAZBEČAR - puppies
  • JAZBEČAR - puppies
  • JAZBEČAR - puppies
  • JAZBEČAR - puppies
  • JAZBEČAR - puppies

JAZBEČAR - puppies

Po dogovoru
Šifra oglasa: 2585175

Osnovne informacije

Izven Slovenije - Hrvaška, Kontinentalna Hrvaška, [DELETE] Mesto Zagreb

Opis oglasa

Kennel Un cuore vivace, FCI 86/18, Croatia

We are proud to present "B" litter. They were born 12th, November.
Parents are:
CORA (female) and CH Touch a star El Perrro Bianco (male)
(AVAILABLE ONLY 1 girl and 1 boy)
1. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Un cuore vivace (female) - colour: DAPPLE (harlequin) RED
2. BAD BOY Un cuore vivace (male) - colour : red
"C" litter.
They were born November, 21st.
We don’t have names yet...we are all the same - red brindle (AVAILABLE ONLY 1 girl and 2 boys).
Dam: Sony El Perro Bianco
Sir: Ch Chegevara
Pedigrees of parents and other informations: at your request.
contact: 00385.95.347.6255


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30.12.2019. ob 10:42
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