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  • Angels (Marian Keyes)

Angels (Marian Keyes)

3 €
Šifra oglasa: 2970275

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Osrednjeslovenska, Ljubljana, Mestni Log

Opis oglasa

Kratek opis: Maggie has always been the white sheep of the Walsh family. Unlike her comically dysfunctional sisters,Rachel and Claire, she married a decent man who adored her and found herself a solid career. Or so she believed until she discovers that her husband is having an affair and her boss is going to fire her. Devastated, she decides the only thing to do is to run for the shelter of her best friend, Emily, who lives in Los Angeles. But from the moment she lands in the City of Angels, things are not quite what she expected. In the end neither the City of Angels nor Maggie Walsh will ever be the same again.

Knjiga ima mehke platnice. Prodajam še nekaj drugih knjig iste avtorice. Več informacij na prodam.knjige afna outlook.com ali na ZS.

Polovico kupnine nakažem društvu Humanitarček in kupcu pošljem potrdilo o nakazilu.

Možen osebni prevzem na Viču v Ljubljani. V primeru pošiljanja stroške krije kupec, plačilo vnaprej na TRR.
***Od vključno decembra 2020 do nadaljnjega možen zgolj osebni prevzem.***

Prodajam kar nekaj knjig, tako da poglejte še moje druge oglase :)



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28.03.2021. ob 18:19
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