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  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958
  • Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958

Bobby Fischer signature in chess book from 1958

600 €
Šifra oglasa: 3603933

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Savinjska, Žalec, Šempeter v Savinjski dolini

Opis oglasa

I am selling a booklet from the 1958 Portorož Chess Tournament, which was then played for the first time by the young 15-year-old Bobby Fischer and other chess masters (Mihail Talj, Tigran Petrosian, David Bronstein, Laszlo Szabo, Geza Fuster, Yuri Averbach, James Sherwin, Svetozar Gligoric, Aleksandar Matanovic, etc.). I didn't find an older signature on the internet than in my book ...

Prodam knjižico iz šahovskega turnirja v Portorožu iz leta 1958, na katerem je takrat prvič mednarodno igral mladi 15.letni Bobby Fischer in ostali šahovski velemojstri (Mihail Talj, Tigran Petrosian, David Bronstein, Laszlo Szabo, Geza Fuster, Jurij Averbah, James Sherwin, Svetozar Gligorić, Aleksandar Matanović itd.). Na internetu nisem zasledil starejšega podpisa kot je v moji knjigi...



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